[포토인사이트] 북한 삼지연군 관광특구화 건설현장

[포토인사이트] 북한 삼지연군 관광특구화 건설현장

김명국 기자
입력 2019-09-20 14:31
업데이트 2019-09-20 14:31
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북한이 주장하는 김정일과 김정은의 공식 출생지인 북한 양강도 삼지연군에 건설바람이 불고 있다. 백두산 동남쪽 기슭에 위치한 이곳은 김정은 지시로 이일대를 관광특구화 작업이 한창이다. 북한이 주장하는 김정일과 김정은의 공식 출생지이기도 하다. 2018년 평양에서 열린 남북정상회담 당시에 문재인대통령이 김정은 국무위원장과 삼지연초대소에서 잠깐 회담을 가지기도 했던 곳이다. 외신에 포착된 삼지연군의 혁명박물관, 겨울스포츠단지, 과수재배를 위한 온실, 아파트, 호텔 학교등의 건설현상을 살펴보자.
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction museum in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:13:03/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction museum in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:13:03/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction secondary school in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:56/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction secondary school in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:56/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction hotel in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:54/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows an under-construction hotel in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:54/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction greenhouses in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:18/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction greenhouses in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:11:18/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction apartments in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:09:37/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction apartments in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:09:37/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction ski facilities in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:13:11/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows under-construction ski facilities in North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:13:11/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
이미지 확대
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows passengers boarding a Tupolev TU-134 aircraft before departing for Pyongyang, North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:08:15/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>
A photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows passengers boarding a Tupolev TU-134 aircraft before departing for Pyongyang, North Korea‘s northern city of Samjiyon. - The monumental construction project in the far reaches of North Korea ordered by leader Kim Jong Un, involves nothing less than the rebuilding of the entire town of Samjiyon, the seat of a county which includes the supposed birthplace of Kim’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, and Mount Paektu, the spiritual birthplace of the Korean nation. The plan includes a museum of revolutionary activities, a winter sports training complex, processing plants for blueberries and potatoes -- two of the area‘s most important crops -- a new railway line to Hyesan, and 10,000 apartments. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) / To go with NKorea-politics-economy-construction-Samjiyon, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger/2019-09-20 11:08:15/
<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2019 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>

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